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Everything posted by Dakimbrell

  1. Everyone likes validation from their peers. Why do people get upset when their favorite sports team loses? Some even get so angry they threaten coaches and players. Yet, that is often considered "normal". It's not a hobby for me; it's a way of life. I have several hobbies, but building models is not one of them. I do not do it to relax, but as an art form and I work at it almost everyday in the same way a musician practices or an athlete works out. I don't get grossly upset if my model doesn't win if it is in a category with lots of good work, but there has been more than one case that left me going "huh?". Still, I read the rules and place my model in the category where I think it has the best chance of winning. If the Judges move it.....splitting is not moving.....I just take it off the table. The last time I let that hat happen was in 2011 when they moved a figure diorama to a vehicle diorama category. Dak
  2. I generally agree, Nick. However, I’ve seen a couple things in recent years that left me puzzled. If I disagree with the move, I just withdraw my model. No arguments. Dak
  3. Now days, I withdraw the model if they move it. Dak
  4. I don’t think I have ever seen anything disqualified, but just moved to the appropriate category. Of course, that sometimes starts arguments. I once argued my V-1 should be in Field Rockety and the head judge wanted it in Jet Aircraft. I was basing my opinion on how the V-1 was deployed and the unit operating it. Now days it gets put in Drones and UAVs. 🤔 Dak
  5. My remarks were polite, specific, and informed. Dak
  6. In part, because of low pay in certain jobs. But in places like convention hotels, many guests are on an expense account and tip bigger because it is not directly out of their pocket. The hotel staff tends to believe ALL convention goers are that way. Dak
  7. Now, you are just being insulting for no reason. For many, this is a vacation and we like to be comfortable. I like a microwave and refrigerator in the room. I want a bathroom big enough that I don have to step in the bathtub to open the door. I don't want to be expected to tip everyone at the hotel, at every turn. ( I went down to the store and bought a soda and candy bar, and when done paying, the clerk said, "No tip?") I don't want to pay to park. Cost is part of my consideration for every convention. IMO, everyone got far more for their money at Omaha, than Columbus. For what Marriott charges, I felt ripped off in Columbus. I had a very good time at the show and thought they handled that part very well. I just found the hotel to be of poor quality. I have a room at the Chattanooga Marriott, but don't expect it to be as nice as the Embassy Suites. I am well aware of the difficulties of planning an event several years out and that some locations don't offer the accommodations I prefer. I am also aware there are not scads of chapters offering to put on a National. So, you take what comes because each event is almost unique. Still, I think more thought can be given to the venue amenities and how they will effect the costs for the convention goer. Disney World was a lousy venue. From all accounts, the vendors did poorly because so much money was spent at the park. Sure the families loved it, but I specifically did not go because I knew it would be far more expensive than I was willing to pay and based on what those who went said, I was correct. Maybe you enjoy roughing it, but I have reached a stage in life where I want to be comfortable. When you come to turn down my bed and put a mint on the pillow, don't expect a tip. 😀 Dak
  8. You misquoted me. I said I do know how hard it is to put on an event. Dak
  9. I disagree, Nick. Nit picking is complaining about the restaurant not having diet Dr. Pepper. Having to pay for daily parking or having to walk several blocks is not. That is incredibly poor planning by those hosting the show. I do know how hard it is to put on an event, but with no feed back, no one will try to make improvements. Omaha and Loveland were great venues. The Marriott in Chattanooga May be wonderful, but based on my reading of their amenities, it doesn’t sound great. In the future, perhaps those choosing the venue will be more thoughtful about the overall facility. Dak
  10. Dakimbrell


    Takom Strabokran diorama work in progress. Dak
  11. Compared to the fine rooms at Omaha, the Marriot was a dump and all the staff had their hand out for a tip, at every turn. That may be fine for those at some business conference who can right it all off, but it cut into my ready cash and reduced my squandering it in the vendor's room. Tiny bathroom, no microwave in the room. Lousy parking. I'm just saying it might appeal to more people if we picked a venue hotel that provided better services. Dak
  12. While I agree a permanent location might not be practical, I do think it would be good to establish a particular hotel chain to use. Love Embassy Suites, not fond of Marriot. Columbus was a big let down as far as room quality. I doubt the Marriot in Chattanooga will be a great hotel, either. Dak
  13. Always read the rules. There are almost always wonderful little loopholes. Dak
  14. Actually, I am referring to some old hands more than newbies. Several old hands I know have come up sharp because they failed to keep up with the rule changes. One, who was a long time National attendee and vendor, found his model un-expectedly put into the dioramas. Dak
  15. What gets me is all the people who seem to be totally blind sided by the rules. The stuff is readily available and yet, many appear shocked when they get moved to a different category or simply don't win. Dak
  16. I always called it the Shelf of Woe because the stuff is not dead, but because I stopped working on it for various reasons. Last year I revived several and finished them. They set there mocking me. Dak
  17. All serious model builders have a Shelf of Woe. That shelf (or shelves) of unfinished models. I have about 50 uncompleted projects. How about the rest of you. Here are a few of mine. Dak
  18. Now, if we can just convince pretty girls that it is like community college. Dak
  19. I write the date I acquired something on whatever it is. This is great incentive to use stuff. "What ? I can't have had this 15 years!" I still have parts from the Aurora Mummy kit (I built it when I was 10) which I've been saving for a special scifi or fantasy project. Dak
  20. Neat! This is the kind of thing I would like to see more of promoting the art of models and IPMS. Dak
  21. I bet everyone has some stuff they have been saving for that “perfect” project. What are they and how long have you had them. Mind is the Heller Chebec. I got it in 1979. Dak
  22. This is just the silly nonsense which drives many from IPMS. None here are calling names, we are all adults and the only “porongrahic” reference was in context of the discussion. It’s time IPMS grew up and accepted the bulk of its members are adults. I would agree profanity is ill-manner and posting insults are uncalled for. Non-IPMS politics are mostly off topic, but some things are pertinent to the conversation. Under the rules, posting about some of the policy’s of WWII would be a violation of policy. And you should update what you hear on prime time, there is plenty of stuff said suggestively there that can’t be said here. Dak
  23. What I do mostly is talk to people. Show them pictures on my phone. Write articles on almost every model I build and submit them to the Journal. i am currently working up some stuff.....photos and background to submit to local art museums. We recently ran an ad in the local college newspaper. Dak
  24. My comment on ancestry was ment as a joke. I don’t really care about it one way or the other, except in historical context. In this day and time in America, it is a trivial thing to get hung up over. For me, I am an American, everything else is second, period. My following remarks were about worthless censorship imposed on IPMS adults because someone MIGHT get offended. Censorship is one of the world’s greatest evil. The idea of videos on YouTube is merely an idea. I have no idea what is already up, but it falls in the parameters of cheap, easy, and can reach a lot of people. Dak
  25. Personally, I don't care about ethnicity. Like the exact shade of paint, it is a silly thing to get upset about, in the United States. However, it is my experience that minority groups often take umbrage with words not intended as demeaning or insulting. But on the subject of what we can do to enlarge our "market share", the idea of videos on Youtube sounds better and better. While some tutorial stuff would be good, I think it would be better to show more of the finished work. Watching a model being built is pretty boring stuff, unless you have an immediate interest the particular subject or technique. Footage of contests showing all the highly skill works and the vast variety of stuff would draw a lot of intertest. I no idea what might be currently been done in this direction because I don't do more than occasionally graze YouTube. Maybe we should plan on making such an effort at the Chattanooga show, if someone isn't already doing such a thing. Dak
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