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Everything posted by jcorley

  1. There is a post office not far away, maybe 3 miles, and open until 5 on Satirdays. https://www.google.com/search?q=la+vista+nebraska+post+office&oq=la+vista+ne+post+office&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i22i30l2j0i390.10537j0j9&client=tablet-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:10845539486683639747,ru_gwp:0%2C7&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D I've used it in the past and took 10 minutes to get there.
  2. FYI, all 3 scales are now available: 32nd, 48th & 72nd. I can print them in other scales if you're needing them for 1/96, 1/144 & 1/200 scale projects. The Riich 1/200 kits are nice, but somwhat incomplete and I'm working on a set to dress it up, too. I will be bringing some to Omaha so you can see them in person and, hopefully, buy me out. I am sharing a table with Dave Roof at the Flying Leathrrneck in the far back corner.
  3. Not the best place to get them, but all the tourists go there, so the best places are less crowded
  4. I have actually investigated doing a NOLA show, timed for a 2019/2020 show. Are you ready for $140+ registration, $239 hotel room nights and $200+ vendor tables? After running the Convention center numbers (and it's not connected to any hotels, but there are several across the street), that's about what we figured we have to charge to cover a show at the Morial. The Pontchartrain is too small and restrictive, the Alarial is also too small and both aren't near downtown or hotels. Mobile has a good space, lower costs and only 2 hours max away from great tour destinations: WW2 museum, Stennis, NMNA, USS Alabama... but NO CLUB!! Pensacola (where I am) doesn't have a real Convention center, as the "old Admirals club" that runs the area doesn't want one here.
  5. At least all those SAC/USAF guys in Omaha remembered we also have a Navy!! 😉
  6. Rocky, I agree with you. Foils are like decals, unless they are used as a structural replacement. If one uses a thicker aluminum foil to reshape the model, I'd have so say no, then ask the head judge for a ruling. The trickiest area would be the use of foils on a spacecraft, where the foil actually changes the structural "look" of the vehicle, like the LM.
  7. John, I will be there. We can talk about the steering committee, bidding process and the blue/gold team idea. I remember one year while I was on the EB when there was one announced bid by a particular club in the SE (name withheld, I will tell you in person or on IM) in the early spring . The announcement of their bid encouraged two other clubs to bid, with much better bids - one of which was accepted. That particular situation is a great example of why we never hid the details in the past. This is the first time I can remember since the advent of the old message board (late 80s-early 90s) there not being sunshine involved with bidding teams.
  8. Sure, Ed, as I quoted the minutes that should be obvious. How soon is "soon"? (and the biz meeting wouldn't be an online announcement.) Dave, that may be the "standard procedure," but it has never been deliberately kept secret by the EB before, except for the last minute "surprise" bids we've gotten. There may be such a procedure now in the EBOH, but it wasn't before and the established precedent has been to not keep the membership uninformed.
  9. Apparently, everything is secret and we aren't supposed to even ask.... I'm still waiting for the "Details will soon be made available to the membership online." to be made available. Do we have to wait until after Omaha?
  10. Would the members of the steering committee be actually running the show? That was the goal with this suggestion: consistent show management year after year
  11. Back about 2006 or 7 there was an idea floated about have two standing committees with the key people needed to run the Nationals: Convention. Chair, Vendor Chair, Seminar Chair and Treasurer/Registrar. The treasury got taken over by the EB and national trophy package was offered... and that's about all the idea produced in the end. The idea was that local clubs would express an interest, then if chosen would supply most of the local manpower, including a facility coordinator as a go-between for the EB. One team would run even years, the other odd. This idea has merit facing a lack of bidders and local clubs unwilling or unable to invest the thousands of man-hours needed to plan a national convention. A permanent vendor chairman could even be implemented for a smooth year-after-year operation with largely the same vendors.
  12. It may REALLY be time to implement the Blue/Gold National Committe idea proposed 15-20 years ago.
  13. Why the secrecy? This will be the first time in years (or ever?) the bidding group has been kept from the membership.
  14. It's all here, still in the forums August 2-5, haven't seen an update yet.
  15. Tape it down and try to unwarp it with a hair dryer on low or medium. That should make it pliable to cool at the right shape. The worst outcome would be it is further ruined? Maybe a vac canopy replacement if all else fails?
  16. Even with this photo on the table or in a notebook, I would hesitate to guarantee it would excuse what would be perceived as a "flawed" or "messy" paint job. We have been trained to expect sharp lines. I say this from experience having heard judges dismissing "sloppy" invasion stripes as "poorly executed" in 2009 at Columbus.
  17. Dave, you may be correct that the W12 belongs in 103B, but don't be surprised to find in 710B!!
  18. Yeah, but it's the best I know of even if it was 40 years too early.
  19. The best resource for this used to be the Floating Drydock booklet. Mine is old and now out of print, but they've put it on a CD now https://floatingdrydock.com/books.html About a quarter down the page.
  20. Question: Would waterlining the hull be considered a major modification?
  21. Chris, Is it single media? Ed will ask... A Tamiya PoW truly built out of the Box would likely qualify.
  22. A standing set of Blue/Gold Convention teams and a rotation of set locations with contract guarantees have been proposed several times and it may be time to revive the idea given the expense and lack of bidders.
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