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The Duke Finishes Two Aircraft in May

Mark Deliduka

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These were actually finished a little more than a week ago, but you know how Life messes with you.

Anyway, here are my latest aircraft finished in May. The first one: 1/72 scale Trumpeter Tu-16 Badger going to my Egyptian Air Force:




This one was masked with Silly Putty to achieve that three-tone camouflage pattern.

This next one is also the 1/72 scale Trumpeter Tu-16 Badger, this time it is going to my Iraqi Air Force:




After the base color was added, I free-handed the splotches using my airbrush.


There you have it, my newest models, a brace of Badgers.

All comments welcome, thank you to those who looked in to comment. Stay tuned, more to come.

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Badgers? You don't have to show us no Badgers! We don't need to see no stinkin' Badgers!  😁

Sorry.... it was too easy to pass up!

Very nice pair duke! I especially like the Egyptian one as it reaffirms that I might have gotten my MiG-21 camo patterns mostly right. Those are impressive in both size and scope of build. Congrats


Gil :cool:

Edited by ghodges
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Beautiful work on those Tu-16s. I have that kit in my stash. 

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Thank you Gil! I knew it was a matter of time before someone said that! LOL! I can always count on you! I'm glad I was able to help you with the Egyptian one. And yes, they certainly were a challenge to maneuver around the Hobby Room and spraybooth.


Thank you Bob! I do look forward to seeing yours built. That way I can see what these are supposed to look like! LOL!

Thank you Jean-Marc! Not really, as I have a Super G Constellation and a Tu-95 Bear still under construction.

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