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instructions for mark martin 2000 ford taurus

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I just started to get back into modeling after many years away. Last friday at my Tidewater IPMS meeting, at the raffle I won a Mark Martin 2000 Ford Taurus revell kit 85-2586. The kit is complete with the exception of the instruction sheet. I contacted revell and they told me that due to the lapse of the contract with Nascar they could not supply the kit instructions. I would appreciate any help in this. I would be willing to pay for copying or postage if paper copies are all that is available. Thank you for any help you could provide.

Robert W. Gregory

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Did you look on their instructions site? While I am no NASCAR expert, there was this one NASCAR Taurus kit.... Also, I will do a quick look in the 3,000 plus kits I have in the garage.



85-2845 85284500200 #38 Elliot Sadler M&M's Taurus Stock Car

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I went to the revell site and looked at the downloadable instruction sheet and no joy. I contacted C/S and asked did they have a copy available and thats when in the reply I was told that because of the contract issue they could not supply parts/instructions or decals.

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I am not sure what NO JOY means! After searching through 15 boxes of NASCAR kits I found the 2586. The only difference is the cover sheet and decal placement sheet. The assembly steps 1-9 are identical as are the part numbers as the downloadable version of 2845. Do you only need the front and back cover, do you want a original instruction sheet complete, are you not able to print copies off? I need to know what you need and want.

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Thank you very much. I was unaware of the similarities so I downloaded the instructions, so I should be able to figure out the decals from some photos and the box art. No Joy is a semi official navy communications term. You would use it when you had no luck on something and in the radio log you would see "Sqnd 2 Orestes 4 Megger no joy att" I want to thank everyone for their quick response and help.

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As a vet, I do know what no joy means......just not as your reference. I have copied the complete instructions and will send them to you.



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